
Articles, Books, and DVDs on Diet/Toxins

  • Brostoff, J., & Callacombe, S.J. (1989). Food allergy and intolerance. Philadelphia: Bailliere Tindall.
  • Buchanan, S.R. (1984). The most ubiquitous toxin. American Psychologist, 39(11), 1327-1328.
  • Coca, A. F. (1996). The pulse test: The secret of building your basic health. New York: St. Martin’s Press. (Available at www.soilandhealth.org)
  • Dadd, D.L. (1990). Nontoxic, natural & Earthwise: An Earthwise consumer guide. New York:
  • Dadd, D.L. (1992). The nontoxic home & office: Protecting yourself and your family from everyday toxins
    and health hazards. Putnam, NY: Tarcher/GP.
  • Fein, G.G., Schwartz, P.M., Jacobson, S.W., & Jacobson, J.L. (1983). Environmental toxins and behavioral development: A new role for psychological research. American Psychologist, 38(11), 1188-1197.
  • Mercola, J. (2004). The no-grain diet. New York: Plume. www.nograindiet.com
  • Rapp, D.J. (1989). The impossible child: A guide for caring teachers and parents in school and at home.
    Buffalo, NY: Practical Allergy Research Foundation.
  • Rapp, D.J. (1991). Is this your child: Discovering and treating unrecognized allergies in children and adults.
    New York: William Morrow.
  • Rapp, D.J. (1996). Is this your child’s world? How you can fix the schools and homes that are making your children sick. New York: Bantam.
  • Rapp, D. (1996). Is this your child’s world? New York: Bantam.
  • Rapp, D. Five allergic children (Video). New York: Practical Allergy Relief Foundation.
  • Rapp, D. (2010). Dangers of personal care products: Toxic daily use products. Accessed January 4, 2010 at www.drrapp.com/alerts.htm
  • Rapp, D. Environmentally sick schools (Video). New York: Practical Allergy Relief Foundation.
  • Profet, M. (1991). The function of allergy: Immunological defense against toxins. Quarterly Review of Biology, 66(1), 23-62. 40
  • Steinman, D., & Wisner, M.R. (1996). Living in a toxic world. New York: Perigee Books,
    The Berkley Publishing Group.
  • Taylor, E. (1979). Food additives, allergy and hyperkinesis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
    and Allied Disciplines, 20
    (4), 357-363.
  • Travis, C., McLean, B.E., & Ribar, C. (1990). Environmental toxins: Psychological, behavioral, and
    socio-cultural aspects, 1973-1989. Bibliographies in Psych, No 5. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
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