
TFT Provides Relief for Kosovo Victims

Last summer, Carl Johnson, PhD, and the Global Institute of Thought Field Therapy worked with Kosovo refugees in Oslo, Norway. Carl worked with the assistance of the refugee camp directors. These directors had previously taken TFT Algorithm level training from Mats Uldal in Norway. The excellent results were posted in the Thought Field and our TFT website.

In February, the two camp directors, Perparim Hadri and Agim Belagu, traveled back with Dr. Johnson to Kosovo. The directors had fled Kosovo five years ago. They all went to the capital, Pristina, and the hometown of Perparim, and Peja, the worst traumatized city and hometown of Agim. Twenty-nine out of thirty traumas were treated with complete success.

The president of the Peja medical association is coordinating a nationwide TFT treatment and training of the physicians, and other health care professionals, to be conducted by Dr. Carl Johnson during seven trips to Kosovo, on trip for each of the seven metropolitan areas. The first of these trips was April 26, 2000, to Peja, which will be the center for what Dr. Johnson refers to as “the smoothing of Kosovo”.

Dr. Johnson has just returned from the April 26th trip. Jo Cooper, NLP, TFTdx, assisted him on this trip and two Kosovar doctors took them to the villages where the atrocities had occurred. In every case, they were able to entirely sooth the pain of traumas. Dr. Johnson also followed up on his previous treatments and no trauma returned in any TFT treated Kosovar man, woman or child.
The Global Institute of Thought Field Therapy is a non-profit organization. Any donations would be very helpful and much appreciated to assist in this humanitarian mission for the “soothing of Kosovo”. The donations can be sent in care of Carl Johnson, PhD, Global Institute of Thought Field Therapy, 100 North Avenue, Winchester, Virginia, USA, 22601. Any TFT trained practitioners who would be willing to donate their time to work with Kosovo victims on one of the seven trips, please contact Carl at the above address.

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