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Thought Field Therapy (TFT) for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety


A Meta-Analysis of Randomized and Non-Randomized Trials of Thought Field Therapy (TFT) for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Anxiety

Authors, Jenny Edwards, PhD; Fielding Graduate University, and, Michelle Vanchu-Orosco, PhD; Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region, have been accepted to present for the Research Symposium on Thursday, May 30 at the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP) annual conference held at The Wigwam Resort, Litchfield, AZ (Phoenix).

Click here to download the abstract>>

Doing Good TFT Research


The video above is from last year’s Keynote presentation by Suzanne Connolly on the ins and outs of doing good research. It wasn’t filmed so she had it filmed later because so many had asked for a copy.

You will find Suzanne’s explanatory notes, attached here.

As the TFT community, we want good research!! It is currently getting included in more literature reviews and meta-analyses. In the past, some of the TFT research conducted in other countries was of poor quality so we hope this excellent presentation, from an experienced TFT researcher, and may help encourage and guide others to do research.

Suzanne has said that she is willing to assist anyone doing TFT research (not do the work, but point them in the right direction. The research she has been involved in is getting better as she learns from past mistakes. The video is an effort to help others learn from those mistakes as well.

Lay Counsellors Can Provide Psychiatric Help


There is a chronic shortage of psychiatrists, psychologists, and trained professionals worldwide, especially in “third world” countries. With both natural as well as man-made disasters, the need for effective treatment is great.

Here is an opinion piece that appeared in a Norwegian psychiatric journal by Audun Irgens, PhD., and Anne Udal, PhD. Dr Irgens is a Norwegian psychologist who has co-authored several research studies on the effectiveness of Thought Field Therapy. The TFT community, including Suzanne Connolly, Carolyn Sakai, Irgens, and others have pioneered an approach whereby lay counselors who are trained in a brief, two-day training deliver TFT therapy to people in their communities suffering from anxiety, depression and PTSD. (more…)

Thought Field Therapy (TFT): A Treatment Modality to Reduce Trauma-Induced Distress Among Adults Diagnosed with a Substance Use Disorder


Jennifer Cribbs


Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a promising psychotherapy approach based on its ability to rapidly relieve human suffering. Drawing from the information gathered at SpiritLife Inc., an inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility, this research examines the effects of a TFT intervention on individuals who have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder (SUD) and were experiencing distress related to trauma. This study found that 100% of participants experienced a reduction in distress symptoms post-intervention.

Click here to download

Lay counsellors can provide psychiatric help


By AUDUN IRGENS: Audun Irgens, PhD, specialist in psychiatry and senior consultant at Østre Agder District Psychiatric Centre, Department of Psychiatry, Sørlandet Hospital Arendal.

In large parts of the world, professional psychiatric resources are unavailable. Training laypeople to provide treatment could help extend service provision.

Worldwide, mental illness represents a greater burden of disability than any other disease category (1). In large parts of the world, there is a gap between the need for and the availability of professional psychiatric resources. In 2011, the World Health Organization estimated that 76–85 % of psychiatric patients in low-income countries receive no treatment (2). In those parts of the world, there is a widespread shortage of trained health workers (3).

In an editorial in issue 17/2021 of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association, Martine Rostadmo wrote: ‘The world is unfair. The report from 2019 points out that research and development are mostly undertaken in high-income countries and fail to focus on the needs of low-income countries’ (4).

One of the authors of this article participated in a meta-study that was the first to investigate the effect of psychiatric treatment provided only by lay counsellors. The study was published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization in the summer of 2021 (5). The main finding drawn from 20 studies with a total of 5 612 participants was that lay counsellors can provide effective treatment of anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress, depression and alcohol abuse in low- and medium-income countries. In the six studies that showed the best effect, the lay counsellors had been given 2–10 days of training (three studies: two days / two studies: one week / one study: ten days). In five of these studies, supervision was provided during the treatment sessions.

«Lay counsellors can provide efficacious treatment of anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress, depression and alcohol abuse»

In other words, psychiatric treatment provided by lay counsellors who have undergone training and work under supervision can be an important contribution to extending effective psychiatric health assistance far more widely to people in low-income countries. This will also be significantly less resource-intensive and time-consuming than training a sufficient number of professionals. We therefore hope that the results of this study will be seen and used by national health authorities in many countries, as well as by Norwegian humanitarian aid authorities.


  1. Vigo D, Thornicroft G, Atun Estimating the true global burden of mental illness. Lancet Psychiatry 2016; 3: 171–8. [PubMed][CrossRef]
  2. Verdens helseorganisasjon. Report of the high-level preparatory (HLP) meeting for the sixty-fifth session of the WHO-SEA Regional https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/206252 Accessed 1.3.2022.
  3. Verdens Health workforce requirements for universal health coverage and the sustainable development goals (Human Resources for Health Observer, 17). https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/250330 Accessed 1.3.2022.
  4. Rostadmo M. Alle vet at pesten kommer. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2021; 141. doi: 4045/tidsskr.21.0796. [PubMed][CrossRef]
  5. Connolly SM, Vanchu-Orosco M, Warner J et Mental health interventions by lay counsellors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Bull World Health Organ 2021; 99: 572–82. [PubMed][CrossRef]

Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy Outcome Study


Here is a recent study on the effectiveness of TFT for managing stressful emotions, out of Mexico. It’s a very simple, pre-post outcome study, with very clear images and tables.

Barraza-Alvarez, F. V. (2021). Callahan’s thought field therapy in the management of emotions associated with stress. World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 7(2), 060-068. https://doi.org/10.30574/wjbphs.2021.7.2.0085


Taking into account that Thought Field Therapy (TFT) is a non-invasive technique for managing emotions, and that it is characterized by being safe and fast, it was applied in a group of 14 people from the workforce of the Center of Childhood Integration and Connivance “Del Bosque”, Texcoco, Mexico, who voluntarily expressed some feelings associated with stress before an initial interview, in order to evaluate their effectiveness. 36% of the participants reported presenting anxiety; 29% fear; 21% obsession, and 14% rejection. Once the TFT was completed, these emotions, in all the participants, went from a maximum rating of 10 Units of Discomfort Sensation (UDS) to a minimum of 0 UDS, so it could be established that the TFT technique was effective in managing stressful situations that were to be eradicated, with written opinions that expressed satisfaction on the part of the participants, who had no adverse reactions when the technique was applied to them.

John Freedom, CEHP

PDF Here

A New Review Which Includes the Connolly & Sakai Study


A new review that includes the Connolly & Sakai study: This is an important new review that includes the Connolly & Sakai study. Click here to download.

I think anyone wanting to do research with TFT should look at the criticisms of the study in this Cochrane review as it helps avoid similar pitfalls. The Cochrane review is the most respected and thorough type of Review and quite intense. Just search Connolly to see what they look at in evaluating a study.

Another thing that is quite clear is that they selected only one of our studies. Most of our studies are difficult to find. Is there someone that does TFT that might look into how to get more visibility for our peer-reviewed journal articles? That would help promote Roger’s work more than anything.

APA Citation
van Ginneken N, Chin WY, Lim YC, Ussif A, Singh R, Shahmalak U, Purgato M, Rojas-García A, Uphoff E, McMullen S, Foss HS, Thapa Pachya A, Rashidian L, Borghesani A, Henschke N, Chong L-Y, Lewin S. Primary‐level worker interventions for the care of people living with mental disorders and distress in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD009149. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009149.pub3. Accessed 07 August 2021.

The Effects of a Thought Field Therapy Stress Reduction Protocol on the Stress and Empathy Levels of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


You are cordially invited to attend a presentation of the findings of an exciting study on Thought Field Therapy on Friday, September 24 at 8:30 am Pacific time, 9:30 am Mountain time, 10:30 am Central time, 11:30 am Eastern time. The abstract of the study and information about connecting to the call via Zoom are below.

The Effects of a Thought Field Therapy Stress Reduction Protocol on the Stress and Empathy Levels of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

by Hadas Keppel


The effects of a stress reduction Thought Field Therapy protocol vs. a control-stimulation protocol on general stress, parenting stress, and empathy (perspective taking) were explored in this mixed-model, randomized control study. Parents of children with autism, from Israel and the USA, showed reduced general stress and an increase in perspective taking following the intervention, as measured by self-reports. Parenting stress partially mediated the effect of TFT on perspective taking. There were no additional changes during the follow-up period. Participants’ personality characteristics of the broad autism phenotype (BAP) were measured at baseline. TFT was effective, regardless of participants’ BAP status.

Hadas Keppel, PhD, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist from CA. This study was for her Doctoral dissertation at Fielding Graduate University.

Zoom Invitation

Topic: Hadas Keppel Presentation of Dissertation Findings on Thought Field Therapy

Time: Sep 24, 2021 09:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 279 467 4206

Mental Health Interventions by Lay Counsellors:


A systematic review and meta-analysis

Click her to view the online-first Systematic Literature Review, which includes three randomized thought field therapy studies.

Other intervention modalities in the review were various forms of CBT, various forms of psychoeducation, interpersonal therapy, and narrative exposure therapy. Criteria for being included in the review were that it had to be a mental health intervention conducted in a low or middle-income country by professionally trained laypersons. The trial had to be a randomized controlled trial. Our definition of layperson was that they were not already working as a medical or mental health worker such as a doctor, a nurse, a community health worker, or a professional mental health field.

The studies using Thought Field Therapy interventions compared favorably: High effect sizes, short training, and only one treatment. The link is here. Eventually, this paper will be put into an in-print edition of the Bulletin of the World Health Organization. In its present form, it is still amendable to further editing and formatting.

NOTE:  The TFT Foundation sincerely thanks Suzanne Connolly and Jenny Edwards for all their hard work and dedication on this article.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support


A newly published meta-analysis by Mukdarut Bangpan, Lambert Felix, and Kelly Dicksonentitled “Mental health and psychosocial support programmes for adults in humanitarian emergencies: a systematic review and meta-analysis in low and middle income countries,” has included a TFT research study by Suzanne Connolly and Caroline Sakai in their meta-analysis of therapies for adults after traumatic events in LMICs.

Of 12593 references from their initial search, the authors included only 35 studies that met the criteria for this meta-analysis. The article was published in the journal BMJ Global Health, and the lead author is a researcher at the University College London. This is the fourth important globally based meta-analysis that has included at least one TFT study.

The authors report that  “The evidence consistently shows that MHPSS (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) programmes are effective in improving functioning and post-traumatic stress disorder.” 

They also mention that “TFT was designed for Rwandan Genocide survivors,” and was one of the studies reported to show positive effects for PTSD.  TFT was also reported to alleviate depression, as well as reductions in fear, anger and avoidance.  TFT was one of four studies (of 18 analyzed) that demonstrated a reduction in anger; and was one of only four studies where the intervention was delivered just one or two sessions for an hour or less per session. The TFT study also had a relatively large effect size.

This is one more acknowledgment of the effectiveness of TFT (and by extension, of meridian tapping) by objective researchers who have no ties to Energy Psychology.

Kudos and Congratulations to Suzanne and Caroline!

Click here to download PDF

More: https://gh.bmj.com/content/4/5/e001484

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