
TFT: Helping overcome trauma worldwide

May we have Peace for all and Gratitude for those who have helped us to help others.

The TFT Foundation

Research on Thought Field Therapy:

TFT Research, Reviews, and Meta-Analyses That Have Been Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals Updated. 

Please click here to review.


TFT Continues Transformation and Healing in Rwanda

Over the years, TFT has facilitated an incredible transformation of a nation from despair from trauma, to hope for recovery, to sustainability, to altruism and helping others.  Indeed as we noted how they have become a model for us and the world, exemplifying how we may all heal from trauma and rise to then help others, they sincerely share their stories and say thank you.

This heart warming video shares the continued healing that is going on in Rwanda and need to continue this healing work.

Take a few minutes to watch these heartfelt stories.  Remember, The Rwandans assistance with the research on PTSD has already helped us start on the path to follow their example of taking TFT into the universities, schools, medical establishments, etc.


From  Trauma to Peace Now Available:

The TFT Foundation’s documentary From  Trauma to Peace is complete!

Trrauma to Peace - How Tapping HelpedWatch and hear story after story told of the horrors suffered by  Rwandans and the transformative healing that has taken place in their lives since learning TFT. The Rwandans have forgiven.   And, through the healing power of TFT, they have not only forgiven, they have transformed themselves from survivors to happy, productive and loving people.

The documentary shares the work the TFT Foundation has done in Rwanda since 2006. The research that has been completed, the trainings of TFT leaders, and the humanitarian relief are all compelling. The stories of each life, family and community that can now smile, laugh, love one another and be productive again will melt your hearts as it has ours. It deeply conveys the great need for trauma relief in our world.

Click here to purchase
Only $24.95 with Free  Shipping

Click here watch the video online.

One of our TFT Foundation board members, Mary Cowley, wrote a wonderful description for the documentary.

Peace IS within our grasp. It is at the tip of our fingers…literally. The upcoming documentary “From Trauma to Peace” will shock you in how quickly and easily people can be relieved of the devastating effects of trauma through the safe and effective “tapping” technique of Thought Field Therapy (TFT). AND how the impact of that emotional freedom not only brings peace of mind to the individual, but facilitates peace within and among communities.

A mayor in the Northern Province of Rwanda commented: “People who I have never seen smile, are smiling. People who were not productive are now productive.” Our documentarian just returned from Rwanda, filming people’s stories about how TFT has changed their lives. He said “…each story included a statement like, ‘I never smiled in my life until I was treated with TFT’.”

People CAN break the cycle of violence and feel hope and joy again. Please help us in our efforts to bring peace to our world, one person–and one community–at a time, through TFT. This film will help create the awareness that entire traumatized communities can help themselves go from trauma to peace.

Please consider a donation to help us bring this documentary to the world


TFT Foundation has been helping support TFT IZERE in Rwanda for nearly 16 years.  Dr. Caroline Sakai does a wonderful job of summarizing all of the progress they have been making in her recent article From the Devastation of Devisive Trauma to Reconciliation in the Fall Energy Field.

In the fall, 4th quarter salaries are coming up and the IZERE Center has also made the following request.  We need your help.  Please consider helping us with continued support.  As you can see from Dr. Sakai’s article, the Rwandans have been a stellar example of healing, reconciliation, and sustainability.

The period after COVID19 seems like a recovery time where we have to fix everything!   The basic needs here are very expensive, and poverty is there!

Here at the center, we have to work hard, providing more time to our beneficiaries!  Many families need food and basic support in addition to healing!

TFT is helping for our self-resilience and trauma healing and the resilience of our clients  We are still in extreme need of helping our people!

If it is possible TFT board could help to provide some community treatment fees.

Click here to download our report

TFT Izere Rwanda


TFT Foundation encourages you to create a legacy gift program starting today.

Your gift would not impact your current financial circumstances. You would retain control of your assets during your lifetime by taking one of these options:

  1. Make a direct bequest by naming the Foundation in your will. (gift later)
  2. Make the Foundation the beneficiary of your retirement account (gift later)  or required IRA minimum distributions. (gift now)
  3. Designate the Foundation as the owner and the beneficiary of a life Insurance policy you no longer need. (gift later)

Your support of the TFT Foundation will help us continue relief programs around the world.

For questions or ideas, please contact Board Member Mary Lou Dobbs at mldobbs@comcast.net or call 505-688-6703.


TFT Foundation is a nonprofit humanitarian relief, education and research organization. Your contribution is deductible for income tax purposes under the provisions of Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) Section 170(c). TFT Foundation is exempt from federal income tax under IRC Section 501(c)(3) and a public charity under IRC Section 509(a)(1).

The Thought Field Therapy Foundation (TFT Foundation) is a California nonprofit public benefit corporation dedicated to improving health, well-being and performance by providing a forum for the strategic advancement of TFT, establishing standards of practice and education, developing support for TFT practitioners, promoting ethical research, and encouraging and offering community service and public education.


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