
June 2012 Uganda: TFT Practitioners and Trainers Trip


In June 2012, an international team of TFT practitioners/trainers went to Uganda to make a difference by training locals and treating people along the way. They visited 3 parishes and help relieve stress, trauma and pain for hundreds of people.

The TFT Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization’s mission is to spread the use of TFT and its profound healing throughout the world.

The TFT Foundation has developed and proven a model to bring TFT to any traumatized community, where leaders can be trained to help their fellow countrymen. In three random controlled studies in Rwanda and Uganda, results showed significant improvement and follow-ups have demonstrated the results last and even improve over time.
There are now over 100 Rwandan community leaders using TFT to help their countrymen, like Jean Pierre and Kamal.

Past TFT Foundation Projects


Visit this page often for updates on TFT Foundation Project:

Apr 07         ATFT Foundation Goes to Rwanda, Africa
By Paul Oas, M.Div., Ph.D., TFT-Dx

Spring 07   ATFT Foundation Goes to New Orleans, USA
By Nora J. Baladarian, Ph.D., TFT-Adv and Ecoee Rooney, R.N., S.A.N.E.

June 07 ATFT Foundation Goes to Tanzania, Africa
By Joanne Callahan, President, ATFT Foundation

Jan 08 ATFT Foundation Goes to Tabasco, Mexico
By Ing. Alvaro Hernendez, TFT-Adv

Feb 09       ATFT Foundation Goes to Uganda, Africa
By Fr. Peter Mubunga Basaliza

Jul 09 ATFT Foundation Goes to the Izere Centre, Rwanda, Africa
By Suzanne Connolly MFT, CISW

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