
CDs and DVDs on Thought Field Therapy®

  • Callahan, R.J. (1997). Introduction to Thought Field Therapy®. La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R.J. (1995). Five-minute phobia cure. La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R.J. (1987). Stop smoking now! La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R.J. (1994). Love pain and other traumas. La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R.J. (2001). Stress, health, and the heart. La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R.J. (2009). Cancer and Thought Field Therapy® (MP3). La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R.J. (2009). The Miracles of Thought Field Therapy®: Cures for common phobias, addictions & traumatic situations (DVD). La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R.J., & Callahan, J. (2008). Introduction to TFT self-study course (Manual and MP3s of live event). La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R.J., & Callahan, J. (2009). Tapping the healer within: 8-week self-study course (manual and 9 MP3s). La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R.J., Edwards, J., Cowley, M., Milbank, C., (with Hanson, D.). (2006). Introduction to Thought Field Therapy®. La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R. (1997). TFT and heart rate variability: An interview with Fuller Royal, MD: The video. La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R. (1998). Causal diagnosis home study course. La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R. (2004). Stress, health, and your heart. (CD). La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Callahan, R., & Callahan, J. (2003). Sensitivities, intolerances & individual energy toxins: How to identify & neutralize them with Thought Field Therapy® (DVDs and Manual). La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Danzig, V. (1999). PET-TFT (DVD). La Jolla, CA: Author.
  • Sakai, C. (2008). ATFT Foundation post TFT treatment interviews with students and teachers (DVD). La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Sakai, C. (2008). El Shaddai . . . Beyond genocide (DVD). La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Sakai, C. (2008). Return to Rwanda: ATFT trauma relief mission (DVD). La Quinta, CA: Callahan Techniques.
  • Semmens, C. (2007). FearFix. (DVDs and CDs.) (www.fearfix.com)
  • Sise, M. (DVDs): Available at www.integrativepsy.com
  • TFT for Stress Management & Peak Performance
  • Transforming Trauma with Thought Field Therapy
  • Transforming the Trauma of the World Trade Center

Books in Which Offshoots of TFT are Mentioned

  • Grodner, B.S., & Reid, D.B. (2010). Permanent habit control: Practitioner’s guide to using hypnosis and other alternative health strategies. New York, NY: Springer.

Research on TFT lower


Sakai, C.E., Connolly, S.M., & Oas, P. (2010). Treatment of PTSD in Rwandan child genocide survivors using Thought Field Therapy. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12(1), 41-50.

Pasahow, R.J. (2009). Energy psychology and Thought Field Therapy in the treatment of tinnitus. International Tinnitus Journal, 15(2), 130-133.
(This article contains two case studies in which Thought Field Therapy was found to be effective in treating anxiety and depression symptoms in participants who were suffering from tinnitus.)

Schoninger, B., & Hartung, J. (2010). Changes on self-report measures of public speaking anxiety following treatment with Thought Field Therapy. Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 2(1).

Articles on TFT

  • Bray, R. (2007). Thought Field Therapy: Working through traumatic stress without the overwhelming responses. Violence & Abuse Abstracts, 13(4).
  • Dujany, R. (1997). Un attento studio delle emozioni. Medicina Naturale, 6, 30-32.
  • Sakai, C. (2010). A smile after the storm. Psychotherapy Networker, 34(6).
  • Wiseman, R. (2010). Tapping away your bad memories. The Daily Mail, Monday, July 12. Retrieved from http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1293914/Can-really-erase-lifes-traumatic-events-memory-tapping-fingers.html

CDs and DVDs Related to Thought Field Therapy

  • Lipton, B., & Williams, R. (n.d.). The biology of perception: The psychology of change: Piecing it all together. (DVD) (www.FearOrLove.com)

  • Sheldrake, R. (1990). The habits of nature III. Lecture given at Big Sur, Dolphin Tapes, CA.
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