
Tapping into Healing – Uganda 2012 Brief Summary


Uganda TFT MissionBy Roger Ludwig

I have just returned from Nsenyi, Uganda, the site of our current training and research project and offers this brief update. The project has been going very well, thanks to the efforts of so many.

Fr. Peter organized a superb team of volunteers at the Cathechists Training Center to take care of logistics, housing, food, transportation, translation and of course, the thirty who became TFT Algorithm Therapists.

About 250 people from the community came to be treated in the study, as well as many others who received treatment outside of the study. Study participants have returned for their post tests in high numbers and are very grateful for the treatment they have received.

The training team is being led by Phyll Robson of the UK, with Roger Ludwig from USA, Celestin from Rwanda, Matts Uldal and Bitta Wiese from Norway and Dr. Howard Robson of the UK leading the research. Others, Fr. JMV and Deacon Augustin, and Celestin the director of the Rwandan Orphan’s Project, our other newly trained Rwandan trainers, as well as Adrienne, the psychologist from IZERE Center, came over from Rwanda to assist with the study. Jackson came over from Kampala to assist as well.

In addition to the study the team has conducted three more two-day algorithm trainings for 300 or more cathechists, they have appeared on the national TV news, a 30 minute radio interview program, and introduced TFT to 500 secondary school girls and their teachers. The team was received by and had lunch with the Bishop of the Kasese Diocese and were celebrated at a party in Fr. Peter’s home village. It has been a busy, rewarding and memorable time of successful treatment and rich relationships!
Uganda team TFT

Note: We will follow up with many more photos and details from each of our team members as they return home. Thank you to all of them for their hard work, dedication and willingness to give so much both of themselves, their time and their funds.

TFT Foundation: Helping to overcome severe trauma in places around the world.


Enjoy the slide show below from Phyll Robson of the TFT Foundation UK, on her trip to Uganda:


The TFT trauma relief technique is very different. Yes, it looks strange and seems just too simple to be able to do much of anything. And yet, 30 years of testimony from thousands of people around the world show it to be revolutionary in its ability to help people achieve emotional freedom and peace of mind. Simply put, its effectiveness feels like a miracle as its speed and power defy all expectations and previous experience.

On top of that, the algorithms, which were derived through diagnosis, are available to anyone, regardless of education, nationality, age, race or creed. And thanks to the internet–it is FREE!

Millions of people worldwide suffer from violence, natural disaster, illness, divorce, loss of job, home or loved ones, etc. Such trauma has a severely debilitating effect on one’s life as an individual, as a community member and as a world citizen. It is the goal of TFT Foundation to reduce suffering through the powerful tool of TFT. It is also our stand that relieving the effects of trauma—the fear, grief, guilt, stress, anger, hatred–frees the individual and opens the heart, facilitating peace within and among communities.

The story of TFT and the Rwandan elder is an example of this type of transformation. During the genocide, this gentleman had seen his family brutally murdered and was attacked and left for dead himself. For years he had endured severe emotional and mental torture, even dizziness and falling. In response to the profound relief he experienced from TFT, he offered to take three or four orphans into his modest home!

Using TFT to relieve the effects of trauma can open people to peace, compassion and community. It is the intention of the TFT Foundation–and this blog–to make trauma relief available on a global scale!

Just give it a try by following the written instructions and/or the video demonstration. It takes only a few minutes. If it doesn’t work for you, or it works only partially, ask questions by posting a comment. We promise to answer as soon as possible. You can also visit the TFT membership directory for a list of TFT practitioners for further consultation.

Our world-wide projects include PTSD research in Africa, humanitarian efforts in disaster areas, and education in areas of need from poverty, trauma, and disease.

CLICK HERE to find out about our current and upcoming projects.

CLICK HERE to read about our previous projects over the past few years.

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