This new feature of our magazine helps authors promote their TFT related books and at the same time raise funds for our trauma relief work.
This month, TFT Foundation board member Dr, Robert Bray has offered to donate 100% of the proceeds from the sale of his latest book “No Open Wounds – Heal Traumatic Stress NOW – Complete Recovery with Thought Field Therapy” to the foundation.
Unlock the grip of emotional stress, pain and fear simply, safely and instantly. Thought Field Therapy® helps you to make choices that allow you to live on purpose and fully connected to health, love and joy.
Mary Lou has done a superb job of not only sharing her courageous journey of transformation, but she shares many of the tools she has found along the way. This book is a must read, not only for all of us that share the title “baby boomers”, but all who are struggling to embrace change, survive the economy and live a full life in spite of what happens to us. –Joanne Callahan, MBA President , Callahan Techniques, Ltd.
Shirlymac says:
This book was a true gift for people suffering with emotional Trauma. I loved the way it helped me take back my life!!! Thanks from my
whole family.
Dr. Jenny Edwards wrote:
All I can say is, “WOW!” You have provided a book from which both the general public can benefit, as well as practitioners who are using Thought Field Therapy! The book includes strategies that people who have been suffering from traumas can use improve their quality of life.
And Caroline E. Sakai, PhD, Clinical Psychologist says:
Dr. Robert Bray orchestrates his compelling case histories with theoretical and practical information to create a step-by-step guideline for the treatment of trauma. He elaborates on his NOW model utilizing Thought Field Therapy and illustrates it well with deep personal, crisis, and trauma work experiences.
100% of the book’s sale is donated to the TFT Foundation. To purchase the book, select the donation below. Shipping is included.
About Bob Bray:
Ph.D. in Psychology with emphasis on Marriage and Family Therapy, United States International University, San Diego. June 1993
Masters of Social Work, Aging Concentration, School of Social Work, San Diego State University. May 1979
A.B. in Social Welfare, San Diego State University. May 1975
Professional Licenses and Memberships
This month, TFT Foundation board member Suzanne Connolly has offered to donate 100% of the proceeds from the sale of her latest book to the foundation.
By Suzanne Connolly.
Use TFT effectively with more clients
Recommended for those previously trained in TFT.
• Use TFT effectively with more clients
• Use TFT to treat issues of self-esteem
• Use TFT with cognitive and behavioral therapy
• Use TFT to treat sexual problems …and more
Advanced Praise for Clinical Applications:
“I am pleased to recommed this work. Ms Connolly is a first rate seasoned integrous counselor with many years of experience in the various modalities of therapy. She offers clinically the best of the new as well as the tried and true.”
Dr. David M. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
Director of the Institue of Advanced Spiritual Studies Coauthor of Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling, M.D.
“Her book is full of practical advice and contains many tips on applying TFT algorithms effectively to help various psychological problems. Anyone interested in applying my TFT algorithms to help various problems is well-advised to obtain this book. Suzanne has done a marvelous job.”
Roger J. Callahan, Ph.D.
Founder and Developer of Thought Field Therapy.
This month, TFT Foundation board member Mary Lou Dobbs has offered to donate 100% of the proceeds from the sale of her latest book “Repotting Yourself” to the foundation.
It is a very timely topic in today’s world.
Mary Lou has done a superb job of not only sharing her courageous journey of transformation, but she shares many of the tools she has found along the way. This book is a must read, not only for all of us that share the title “baby boomers”, but all who are struggling to embrace change, survive the economy and live a full life in spite of what happens to us. –Joanne Callahan, MBA President , Callahan Techniques, Ltd.
“Mary Lou Dobbs, has lived her book “REPOTTING YOURSELF”. Financial, Emotional,Spiritual Flow and she writes from years of experience and wisdom in the business and the spiritual world. This book will take you into a new understanding of who you are and what you can attain and give you the tools to get there.” –Karen Partain Robison, RScP What if it really workds? Radio Karen partain Robison, Spiritual advisor
This book is THE book for our times; It will be a “full throttle” blessing for all who read it. –Chris Griscom, International author, speaker and spiritual Leader Chris Griscom, Created the The Light Institute
100% of the book’s sale is donated to the TFT Foundation. To purchase the book, select the donation below. Shipping is included.
About the Author
Mary Lou Dobbs, founder and director of Executive Benefits Strategies, Inc. sells high-end executives and owners non-qualified retirement plans and helps them create living buyouts for their business exit strategy. She lives in the US.
Sakai, C.E., Connolly, S.M., & Oas, P. (2010). Treatment of PTSD in Rwandan child genocide survivors using Thought Field Therapy. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12(1), 41-50.
Pasahow, R.J. (2009). Energy psychology and Thought Field Therapy in the treatment of tinnitus. International Tinnitus Journal, 15(2), 130-133.
(This article contains two case studies in which Thought Field Therapy was found to be effective in treating anxiety and depression symptoms in participants who were suffering from tinnitus.)
Schoninger, B., & Hartung, J. (2010). Changes on self-report measures of public speaking anxiety following treatment with Thought Field Therapy. Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 2(1).