These photos are of our Rwandan TFT team and were taken during training and treatment programs. We send them to honor the legacy and lifetime of TFT’s founder, Dr. Roger Callahan. We are therapists helping people in Rwanda and the Congo using Dr. Callahan’s innovations and research (TFT). The picture with the disabled children shows how much TFT is helping the disabled in Rwanda. Also, there is another picture taken while training the Congolese. They are doing exceptional work with TFT. They have included a French condolence message to honor Dr. Callahan who started the techniques which are now helping their community.
Also, I have included a picture with Dr. Roger Callahan in Hawaii, our first time to see and speak with him. May the Lord find his place in eternal peace.
Pr. Celestin Mitabu
Nous avons recu le message avec grande tristesse qui nous annoncez la mort de notre haute Personne de grande Valeur,le Fondateur de TFT Foundation aux USA.
Nous savons combien de fois il etait trop utile pour l’Organisation et pour nombreuses Associations:Que son Ame reponse en Paix.
Nous,Equipe de TFT de la Republique Democratique du Congo(RDC) qui a ete forme en date du 05 au 06 Octobre 2013 en RDC etant au nombre de 60 Personnes, presente nos Condoleances les plus profondes a toutes les personnes de TFT Foundation partout ou elles se trouvent dans le monde entier,aux membres du Bureau et a la Famille de l’ulustre disparu toute entiere.
Nous regretons fort cet Evenement de sa mort car nous etions entrain d’attendre un Soutien Financier pour une descente sur terrain en faisant une pratique de la matiere sur le TFT AUX BENEFICIAIRES,neanmoins nous savons bien qu’il a forme plusieurs personnes et l’Oeuvre qu’il avait commence doit toujours continuer a travailler.
Nous avons ete bien forme par Monsieur Celestin MITABU le Directeur de Rwanda Orphans Project,et nous voulons en profondir plus.
Les 60 personnes formees sont entrain de faire l’exercice de la matiere dans leurs Familles respectives et ils sont tres interesses de cela et ces familles apprecient cette methodequi produit des bons Fruits.
Nous souhaiterions que cette pratique se passe au courant de ce mois de Novembre2013 car la Population traumatisee attend beaucoup cette assistance des methodes de detraumatisation nous enseignee.
Etant ensembe de Coeur et d’Esprit nous demandons a Dieu tout Puissant de consoler cette Famille qui vient de perdre un Grand Homme de Grande Valeur pour nombreuses personnes et Organisations.
Encore une fois nos Condoleances.
Pour l’Equipe de TFT Foundation Gilbert BANYWESIZE NGUDUKA/President-E.R.S.A.M asbl-RDC-Goma-North-Kivu et President de la Synergie ou Plate forme TFT-RDC.
Celestin Mitabu, with the support of the TFT Foundation, began trainings in the Democratic Republic of the Congo a couple of months ago. The French letter of condolences (above) was a result of those trainings and the healing taking place.
Gilbert BANYWESIZE NGUDUKA, a psychologist and leader of the newly formed TFT team in the Congo, wrote the letter. He has also requested further trainings in the Congo.
Celestin shares that request and plans for these trainings, later this month.
“They have been asking me to come back to the Congo. In fact the rebellion is defeated last month when the main rebel group M23 surrendered their armies. Since that defeat we have tried to roughly plan about two days of training and treatment, both to take place in Goma.
The first training and treatment will be at RSAM where we already have many trained therapists. The second training and treatment will be held at Heal Africa Hospital where we also have many trained.
The rough plan is for the therapists to gather communities for treatments and invite 28 new trainees for the morning trainings. Because last time we trained people from 5 different centers, we have agreed that all these people and clients may come to both RSAM center and Heal Africa. I have just called it a rough planning because so far it’s not yet funded. And it is badly needed to strengthen our TFT groups in Congo.
The meeting rooms for training and treatment are provided free of charge provided in addition to my personal accommodation.
This will be a very special treatment and training in Congo, accepted and protected.
I, and my friends from the Congo, have been working on that treatment and training by telling people about our success with the previous mission in the Congo. This is going to be called a Christmas and New Year’s Gift to the people of the Congo for this year of 2013. These will take place on Dec. 22-23, 2013. The two days will be as follows: mornings for training and evenings for treatment. The last day of our training and treatment we will be gathered for 30 minutes with all therapists in a big RSAM HALL just to share about the life and legacy of Dr. Roger Callahan and to commemorate him.
Since the meeting rooms and my accommodation is being provided for free, the estimate for the two days is $1400.
We look forward to hearing from you so that we may finalize our end year planning.
Pastor Celestin Mitabu ROP Director and TFT Greats lakes trainer”
Please help support our efforts to bring this Christmas and New Year Gift to the people of the Congo.