
A New Review Which Includes the Connolly & Sakai Study


A new review that includes the Connolly & Sakai study: This is an important new review that includes the Connolly & Sakai study. Click here to download.

I think anyone wanting to do research with TFT should look at the criticisms of the study in this Cochrane review as it helps avoid similar pitfalls. The Cochrane review is the most respected and thorough type of Review and quite intense. Just search Connolly to see what they look at in evaluating a study.

Another thing that is quite clear is that they selected only one of our studies. Most of our studies are difficult to find. Is there someone that does TFT that might look into how to get more visibility for our peer-reviewed journal articles? That would help promote Roger’s work more than anything.

APA Citation
van Ginneken N, Chin WY, Lim YC, Ussif A, Singh R, Shahmalak U, Purgato M, Rojas-García A, Uphoff E, McMullen S, Foss HS, Thapa Pachya A, Rashidian L, Borghesani A, Henschke N, Chong L-Y, Lewin S. Primary‐level worker interventions for the care of people living with mental disorders and distress in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 8. Art. No.: CD009149. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD009149.pub3. Accessed 07 August 2021.

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